School Uniform & Tracksuit
School Uniform must be worn every day - except on PE days when the School Tracksuit must be worn.
Uniform must be worn every day.
Uniform: Navy skirt or pinafore, navy jumper or cardigan, sky blue shirt, and navy bow tie or navy tie. See pictures below. (none of these items are for sale in the school).
P.E. Uniform - NAVY & BLUE (age 3-10 €35.00; age 11+ €40.00), to be worn with sky blue airtex T-shirt. Optional Shorts are available €12. Airtex T-shirt with school crest (optional) €12. Tie/bow tie €4.00. Items are available from the school office.
We have worked very hard to promote a positive attitude to the school uniform and are very proud of how well turned out all our students are. They look very smart indeed and we feel it contributes greatly to their sense of identity. We reward the wearing of uniforms through prizes and praise.