Welcome to the Junior Infant Page 2019-2020
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I would like to wish all the girls in Junior Infants and their families a very Happy Easter. I hope to see you all back in school very soon. Stay safe!!!
Ten Bunnies Counting Song
Have fun trying this challenge!!!
Hope you enjoy this story - Farmer Duck
Jolly Phonics
It is very important to practise Jolly Phonic sounds daily. Your daughter can sing along with the songs
Teach Your Monster to Read
Please email me at [email protected] for details on using this app.
School on TV
It will run from 11-12 Monday to Friday on RTÉ 2, with a shorter "catch-up" segment later in the afternoon
It will run from 11-12 Monday to Friday on RTÉ 2, with a shorter "catch-up" segment later in the afternoon
Remember to practice counting every day
I hope you all enjoy listening to this lovely story. I wonder what will Elmer get up to in this story?
P.E. lessons daily with Joe Wicks
Enjoy these lessons every morning Monday - Friday at 9am
Go to The Body Coach TV on YouTube
Enjoy these lessons every morning Monday - Friday at 9am
Go to The Body Coach TV on YouTube

Practice saying this rhyme with your daughter
Read a book from Oxford Owl
Click on the link https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/
Click on the link https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/
Go outside and see if you can find these signs of spring
Please find below some ideas for Fine and Gross Motor skills that the girls can do at home

Dear Parents,
I hope that you are all keeping well and safe and that the girls are enjoying any work given, but also balancing work with time to engage in physical activities, getting fresh air, playing to develop their interests and lots of reading and story time. I am sure you and the children are missing school and the routine as much as I am.
Attached below are links to online resources and both CJ Fallon and Folens publishers (which we use here in the school) have allowed free access to parents for the duration of this COVID-19 closure. Google www.folensonline.ie and www.CJFallon.ie for details.
Reading and word work using www.Folensonline.ie A little bit daily and the lesson plan outlines additional cross curricular learning from the story.
Go online to www.folensonline and create a free sign in/account. Enter Starlight Junior Infants into the search toolbar and search ‘core reader’ and choose The Duck Pond. There are lots of activities, flashcards for new sight words and interactive word recognition games.
Vooks is offering one month free to parents and teachers. It has a variety of read aloud stories which the children would really enjoy.
Sounds Like Phonics - Click on www.CJFallon.ie to access Sounds Like Phonics by CJ Fallon. It is an excellent way of revising sounds your child will have learned in school.
http://www.FolensOnline.ie - You can access Abair Liom (our Irish scheme) through this site. It has all the songs, poems and interactive activities that we use in the classroom daily.
In our class we use CJ Fallon for Maths- Busy at Maths. Key resources and games and activities are available on the website
Physical and movement activities.
Grow in Love: www.growinlove.ie with the following details [email protected]
password: growinlove.
Useful resources and websites:
Youtube and on-line videos are all helpful in the forced closure.
Below is a list of the most helpful ones.
Look after yourselves, stay safe and hopefully I will see you all very soon.
Ms Horan
I hope that you are all keeping well and safe and that the girls are enjoying any work given, but also balancing work with time to engage in physical activities, getting fresh air, playing to develop their interests and lots of reading and story time. I am sure you and the children are missing school and the routine as much as I am.
Attached below are links to online resources and both CJ Fallon and Folens publishers (which we use here in the school) have allowed free access to parents for the duration of this COVID-19 closure. Google www.folensonline.ie and www.CJFallon.ie for details.
Reading and word work using www.Folensonline.ie A little bit daily and the lesson plan outlines additional cross curricular learning from the story.
Go online to www.folensonline and create a free sign in/account. Enter Starlight Junior Infants into the search toolbar and search ‘core reader’ and choose The Duck Pond. There are lots of activities, flashcards for new sight words and interactive word recognition games.
Vooks is offering one month free to parents and teachers. It has a variety of read aloud stories which the children would really enjoy.
Sounds Like Phonics - Click on www.CJFallon.ie to access Sounds Like Phonics by CJ Fallon. It is an excellent way of revising sounds your child will have learned in school.
http://www.FolensOnline.ie - You can access Abair Liom (our Irish scheme) through this site. It has all the songs, poems and interactive activities that we use in the classroom daily.
In our class we use CJ Fallon for Maths- Busy at Maths. Key resources and games and activities are available on the website
Physical and movement activities.
Grow in Love: www.growinlove.ie with the following details [email protected]
password: growinlove.
Useful resources and websites:
Youtube and on-line videos are all helpful in the forced closure.
Below is a list of the most helpful ones.
- Jack Hartman. Search Jack Hartman and any letter and a multitude of videos pop up.
- Jolly Phonics Letters.
- Jolly phonics songs for children.
- Jack Hartman- Sight Words.
- CVC words.
- Tricky words for children
- BBC- Alphablocks.
- Counting/number songs for children.
Look after yourselves, stay safe and hopefully I will see you all very soon.
Ms Horan
Having lots of fun in Junior Infants
A huge welcome to all the girls who have started Junior Infants in our school. They have all settled in well and are enjoying making new friends in the class. They have been so busy already learning lots of new things in the classroom. Take a look through our photos and you will see how busy we've been.
Remember to look at our page regularly and you will see the fun we are having in Junior Infants!
Remember to look at our page regularly and you will see the fun we are having in Junior Infants!
The girls in Junior Infants really enjoy their time in the Aistear room. During Aistear the girls will explore many different themes throughout the year by learning through play! They have great fun engaging in active learning and oral language development during this time. This month we have been very busy working in the home preparing meals for our family, looking after the babies and we even had to organise a Birthday party! We had lots of fun exploring the theme in each of the different areas - Role Play, Creative Area, Construction Area and Small World. Take a look at the fun we've had!
Up the Dubs!
Creating Texture Monsters in Junior Infants
Sam Maguire Cup in our class!!!
Learning about autumn and the Garden Centre
Maths Week
Halloween Fun!
Yummy Treats at the Cake Sale!
Treating patients in the Doctor's surgery
Hip - Hop Dancing
We loved listening to the story The Gingerbread Man
Soccer Training in Junior Infants
Trip to the Post Office to post our Santa letters
Fun with Magnets
Merry Christmas
Off to the Toy Shop
Pancake Tuesday
Camogie Training in Junior Infants
Working in the Vet's Surgery