Third Class 2016-2017
Welcome to the our terrific third class page! Here you can see for yourself all the hard work and fun things that we will be getting up to this year!
Pancake Tuesday Fun!!
Straw and Order
This year, third and fourth class performed a nativity play called "Straw and Order" for the whole school and all of the parents. The girls spent a lot of time rehearsing and it paid off as they were outstanding on the day! It's not easy to learn lines off by heart, to sing so many songs and to act so brilliantly but the girls made it look like a piece of cake! We were all very proud of every single girl in third and fourth class. Our class fairy, Saffron Mary made a special delivery the morning of the play and gave us our very own worry plate. Luckily, any nerves that we had about perfoming the play quickly disappeared!
Thd day 98 Fm visited us in school!!
On the 7th December, we were so lucky because 98FM arrived to our school and performed a mini panto! It was Kyia's birthday that day too and the whole school and the boys' school sang happy birthday to her in the hall! We had the best day ever! We even got homework off that night! Thanks 98FM!
Festive Christmas Art
We are very creative in third class and we love Wednesday afternoons because this is when we get to do art. This year, we designed cool Christmas trees, stars, Christmas tree decorations, reindeer masks and penguins to sell at the Christmas Fair! Ms. Mc Hale was so impressed that she let three third class girls sell these at the fair! Tayo, Kyia and Brooke D were very persuasive sellers and helped to raise a lot of money for our school. Well done girls for all your hard work! We also decorated elfies and stuck photos of us on them. Check us out! Also look at the pretty penguins that we designed!
P.E. Fun
Third class love P.E. classes and we have been very busy doing impressive gymnastic moves! We love doing different rolls such as forward, pencil and back rolls.
We have also taken part in a ten week fitness programme called "Fit For Class" in which we played different fun games each week. We got cool wristbands at the end of thr ten weeks as a reward for all our hard work.
We have also taken part in a ten week fitness programme called "Fit For Class" in which we played different fun games each week. We got cool wristbands at the end of thr ten weeks as a reward for all our hard work.
Football Blitz
Ms Shaughnessy, Ms O’Dea and Ms Doherty organised a Football Blitz. We went on the 28th of October 2016. It was in Irishtown Stadium. We were so excited before we left. We got a private coach. Soon, we travelled through a massive tunnel. We had two Virgin Mary teams, 3rd and 4th. Some of us were in pitch 1 and the rest of us were in pitch 3. We wore wine and gold jerseys. We trained really hard. Then it was time to start the matches. I played in pitch 3. We won almost all of the matches. We lost one or two. My dad came to support me and the team. We brought our school lunches. Kyia’s mam gave me a few grapes. Before we left the two Virgin Mary teams got to play against each other. It was fun. Then we left. We got back on the bus. We sang a lot of songs, a lot of songs!
This recount was made by Tayo. Thanks for listening. I had a brilliant day!
Ms Shaughnessy, Ms O’Dea and Ms Doherty organised a Football Blitz. We went on the 28th of October 2016. It was in Irishtown Stadium. We were so excited before we left. We got a private coach. Soon, we travelled through a massive tunnel. We had two Virgin Mary teams, 3rd and 4th. Some of us were in pitch 1 and the rest of us were in pitch 3. We wore wine and gold jerseys. We trained really hard. Then it was time to start the matches. I played in pitch 3. We won almost all of the matches. We lost one or two. My dad came to support me and the team. We brought our school lunches. Kyia’s mam gave me a few grapes. Before we left the two Virgin Mary teams got to play against each other. It was fun. Then we left. We got back on the bus. We sang a lot of songs, a lot of songs!
This recount was made by Tayo. Thanks for listening. I had a brilliant day!
We are super heroes!
We are very talented writers in third class. We love writing stories. We have even published our stories using a website called "Storybird". We had so much fun thinking up of ideas for our stories and then going to the computer room to type them. Have a look at our finished products:
Marble ink fun!
We are now marbling experts in third class! For art, we used marble inks to do cool blue designs on Dublin jersey pages and then we did our very own marble design. We also wrote procedures about how to use marble inks so other classes can learn from us.