Virgin Mary Girls' National School
Welcome to Virgin Mary Girls' National School, a warm and friendly school where pupils feel happy, secure, challenged and valued, and where the exciting journey to becoming a life-long learner begins.
We aim to make a difference by working in partnership with families, and the wider community to cultivate a love of life and learning in all our children. We strive to make learning fun and a natural part of life for our children. We want children to become confident and independent learners with inquiring minds, and develop as individuals to their full potential; therefore, we expect them to give their best in all that they do. We believe that children should be encouraged to develop positive, caring attitudes towards themselves, each other and the wider community of which they are part. We work together to create a school where positive behaviour is encouraged, and all are treated with respect, understanding and sensitivity. Staff, children, parents are all proud to be part of our school. We are committed to improving standards through promoting high expectations, and seek to build on what we do well in our quest for continuous improvement. Our website offers only an introduction to the experience we offer girls at Virgin Mary Girls' National School. Therefore, we would like to extend a warm invitation to both you and your daughter to visit our school and see the children at work and play for yourselves. We look forward to welcoming you to Virgin Mary Girls' National School. ANNUAL ADMISSIONS NOTICE
In respect of admissions to the 2025/2026 School Year Admission Policy and Application Form A copy of the school’s Admission Policy and the Application Form for Admission for the 2024/2025 school year is available online at Enrolment Forms or from the school office. PART 1 - Admissions to the 2025/2026 school year Application and Decision Dates for admission to Virgin Mary Girls' National School 2025/2026 The following are the dates applicable for admission to Junior Infants. The school will commence accepting applications for admission on 2nd October 2024 The school shall cease accepting applications for admission on 20th December 2024 at 12 noon The date by which applicants will be notified of the decision on their application is 1st February 2025 The period within which applicants must confirm acceptance of an offer of admission is 24th February 2025 Your child must be four years of age before 1st August 2025 to be considered for enrollment Note: the school will consider and issue decisions on late applications in accordance with the school’s admission policy. Failure to accept an offer within the prescribed period above may result in the offer being withdrawn. Number of places being made available in 2025/2026 Number of spaces being made available in Junior Infants is 20. Number of spaces being made available in our ASD class is 0. |
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Start Time
School Starting Time is 8.50am
On wet days, please ensure that your daughter is not on the yard before 8.50am.
Children are under direct supervision from 8.50am every day (excluding school tours where different time schedules may be in operation).
School Starting Time is 8.50am
On wet days, please ensure that your daughter is not on the yard before 8.50am.
Children are under direct supervision from 8.50am every day (excluding school tours where different time schedules may be in operation).
For information and assistance click above