Our 26 new Junior Infants have settled in well and fit right in to our school. The girls have made lots of new friends and are working very hard in the classroom. We have already done so much! Check back regularly throughout the year as we will be having lots of fun and we look forward to sharing it with you.
Our Trip to Fighting Words
Maths Week
Junior Infants were very busy this week celebrating Maths Week. We were doing lots of different fun maths activities including matching, patterns, sorting and shapes puzzles. We also went on a shapes and colours hunt around the school. Then we made some colourful shape monsters!
Playtime is a very important part of our school day and we love our time in the Aistear room! Everyday, each group takes part in a new activity. This month we have been busy learning all about Autumn. We were busy planting seeds and raking autumn leaves in the garden, using autumn leaves to make prickly hedgehogs, making nuts for the squirrels with playdough, harvesting vegetables in the sand and building our very own masterpieces in the construction area.
The Three Little Pigs
We Love to Paint!