fifth class 2020
Summer Selfie Pictures
Making 3D shapes
The girls enjoyed making 3D shapes from cocktail sticks and marshmallows. Their favourite part was eating them afterwards!!
Hooray for ice cream
5th class enjoyed a treat in the sun this afternoon.
Jiving Juniors
5th class had great fun today taking a dance class with Sandra from Jiving Juniors. They danced to a number of country songs and also some modern hits.
5th class amazing art work
Outdoor Maths
5th class have been exploring the topic of length. We took our learning outside and worked in small groups to measure different objects and areas in the yard.
Pizza Party
The girls had a pizza party today as a Christmas treat for all their had work this year.
Merry Christmas everyone
Christmas card competition
Well done to Kasey Geraghty who won the 5th class prize in the Ballymun Community Law Centre Christmas card competition. What a beautiful card!
Halloween Dress up day
5th class had great fun dressing up for Halloween fancy dress day. They got into the Halloween spirit by making chocolate covered apples with sprinkles. Yummy!
I hope all 5th class girls have a relaxing midterm break. See you all on November 2nd.
Ms. Grimes
I hope all 5th class girls have a relaxing midterm break. See you all on November 2nd.
Ms. Grimes
Fifth class have been very busy preparing for Halloween. They created spooktacular Haunted Houses! These looked fantastic on our classroom art wall this week.